Creativity that Serves
The Friendship Center promotes a sense of self-worth and personal growth by offering Recovery Through the Arts. The arts program offers a supportive studio environment that fosters creativity, self-direction, and mutual encouragement. A part-time art director and a corps of volunteers offer skilled one-on-one instruction in painting, ceramics, woodworking, fiber arts, and stained glass. Instruction caters to all ability levels, and the artists may sell their work to individuals and at community art festivals. This program, with its individualized instruction, its freedom to pursue creative projects, and the opportunity for the artists to show and sell their work, instills a sense of confidence and purpose.
The Friendship Center’s arts program meets every Tuesday and Thursday during regularly scheduled program hours. The actual studio spaces are hosted (in a very cool barn) by Atlanta Mennonite Church, which is just down the road from the Friendship Center. We provide transportation from our campus to the art barn on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. (after the free community breakfast!) and we return around 12:15. Most participants then stay for the free community lunch.
The arts program, like all other programs, is at no cost for those who participate. Also, if a piece of art is sold then 75% of the proceeds of that sale are paid to the artist. The other 25% of the proceeds are used to reimburse program expenses. Like the greenhouse and gardening program, the arts program provides another opportunity for economic justice and for the dignity of earned income.